Tired of picking up fallen fruit in your garden?

This is the solution for everyone, a fruit gatherer or collector makes your life a breeze!

The fruit gatherer

With a Fruit Gatherer, picking up fallen fruit is as easy as rolling a toy over the ground – no bending, no fuss, just simple and quick.

Just roll the Fruit Gatherer over your garden ground and it’ll scoop up all the fallen fruit into its basket, like a vacuum cleaner for your garden!

Why a fruit gatherer?

Effortless Collection

A fruit gatherer significantly simplifies the process of fruit collection, allowing you to gather fallen fruits easily by rolling the device over them, reducing manual labor and time spent on the task.

Reduced Physical Strain

The innovative design of a fruit gatherer minimizes the physical strain associated with fruit collection, reducing the need for continuous bending and lifting, thus promoting better posture and overall health.

Improved Efficiency

With its extendable handle and rolling cage mechanism, a fruit gatherer enhances the efficiency of fruit collection, making it possible to collect hard-to-reach fruits and covering more ground in less time.

Greater Enjoyment of Gardening

By eliminating the tedious task of manually picking up fallen fruits, a fruit gatherer allows you to focus on the more enjoyable aspects of gardening, enhancing your overall experience and relationship with nature.

Where can I find one

You find these in your local stores or why not order one online?

  • Yangers Fruit Gatherer

    Make your harvest effortless with Yangers Fruit and Nut Gatherer. This innovative, durable tool collects a wide range of fallen fruits and nuts with a simple roll, offering a…

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  • Gardena Fruit Gatherer

    Maximize your harvest with Gardena’s Fruit and Nut Gatherer. This innovative, lightweight tool is designed to easily collect fallen fruits and nuts, offering a more efficient and enjoyable gardening…

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  • Fruit and Nut Gatherer

    Embrace a fruitful harvest season with our Fruit and Nut Gatherer. This innovative tool is lightweight, durable, and designed to effortlessly collect fallen apples, pears, oranges, and nuts. With…

    Find a fruit gatherer

When you want to enjoy your garden

A fruit collector, or fruit gatherer makes your garden life a breeze, allowing you to focus on other more comfortable things.

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